Digital Detox by Ollie Langridge

Digital Detox

6 things I learned from a 1-month digital detox

I recently spent a month in Byron Bay completely (and I mean completely) off the grid without ANY digital technology. Here’s what I found:

1. It’s much easier than you think. I found it to be the single best way to reduce stress, focus more on social interactions and connect with nature, all of which are critical in a yoga lifestyle. This said, stress and perceived FOMO did take a few days to dissolve away…
2. By switching off the constant information overload, it allowed time for new and exciting ideas and concepts to appear. After 28 days, I’ve never felt sharper or better equipped to deal with the rigours of business/life now I’m back.
3. My sleep improved, my days become more spacious, and I felt much more present in my relationships with my wife and children.
4. Living without the constant interruption and tech-induced anxiety made me more focused and far happier – I could ‘tune in’ to myself more, and this is an ongoing effect. For many people, there’s an insidious competition to many aspects of social media in particular that you don’t notice until it’s gone.
5. I was able to reconnect with conscious breathing. This allowed new levels of awareness and appreciation on every level.
6. Did I miss anything? Yes, mostly a camera – but… often I find we seem to be living in an era where capturing moments on our phones is more important than actually living these moments with whoever is beside us. Lesson learned.

I can’t wait to do it again!