What happens when we don’t follow our dreams?

What happens when we don’t follow our dreams?

Our lives spin endlessly from being lethargic… to too busy… to manic… to exhausted…to…
Underneath the activity and lack of activity lies a heart that is quietly sad.
And we meet sadness by buying things & doing things & going places to manage the simmering feelings of ‘I’m not happy yet’.

So what then is it like to meet and greet our dreams?
It’s thrilling.
it’s terrifying.
it’s breathtaking.
it’s humbling.
It’s what we were born to do.
It’s not to be missed.

Our minds and hearts – stretched wide open

Our lives wholehearted.

So how to begin?
Just begin.
With any tiny thing or magnificent thing, that you can imagine that might be a step on the path with Heart.
Don’t wait for the right moment.
Include anyone who cares a little.
Include anyone who might discover that they care a lot.
Start now.
you’re not too young
you’re not too old.
Start now.
Start now.