Week Five

What am I grateful for?

When I stop and ask myself, what am I grateful for, what do I discover?
This might be an easy practice for you, and if that’s true then it’s likely you’ve been practising being grateful for a while.
If you haven’t, then this week might be long, tough, transformative.

You may know that gratitude as a practise is really great for our brains –the neural science on gratitude and the brain is vast, so in a nutshell practicing gratitude is like taking a natural anti-depressant : You get a turbo boost of dopamine and serotonin traveling into the “bliss” center of your brain. Perfect.
The more we practice the happier we feel.
So as a practice this week – Stop often. Look. Smell. Feel. Taste. Hear. Be grateful.
Notice you’re alive and in this body that is breathing.
Let the brain savour this and be wired for wellness. Happiness.

What are you grateful for right now?