Week Two

‘Am I waiting or am I here and ready?’

Dr Sueus in The Waiting Place writes, are you
‘Waiting for a train or a plane or
the rain to go? Are you
waiting around for a Yes or No?
Are you waiting for your hair to grow?’
Maybe somewhere in your life right now, you’re experiencing The Waiting Place. If you are and if you’ve been there for a while then this week you might get extra curious about whether you’ve waited long enough and maybe now you’re here and ready.
Look out for reasons why you’re waiting – waiting for permission… waiting to get it right… waiting for things to be better…waiting for perfection… waiting til it’s too late…waiting for others to change…waiting for more of…or less of….

Notice how waiting feels in your body as you move and rest in yoga, meditation and your life.
Notice how the soft whisperings of, ‘ I’m here, I’m ready’ feel too in Tree Pose, Warrior 2, seated meditation and anywhere you take it.
So just a reminder of a way in to this 12 week practice – jot down the question ‘…Waiting or here and ready?’ somewhere, like in your journal or on the fridge. Tell a friend or a teacher.
Just begin.

What if you just trusted that you already knew the answers to life’s questions?

And what if you took a little time each week to ponder 1 question or 1 idea?

And what if who you were following wasn’t so much others – what they are thinking, saying and doing, their life – but you were tuning much more in to your own unique journey and life ?