Week Eight

What energises me?

Can I stop and get really clear about which activities in my life light me up and which turn my lights off?

That clarity might be a shock – seeing the amount of my time spent with my energy and my mind going down into a dimly lit hole, feeling tired.
Or maybe not – illuminating – I’m spending much more of my life engaging in what’s satisfying than I imagined?
Clarity combined with remembering (sati/mindfulness) – remembering to schedule in that which brings me energy – can definitely transform my moments, my days my life. My days seem lighter, I’m present and engaged.
Mindfulness makes a big difference to how I meet, approach and then choose to proceed with what happens next : simply noting & acknowledging in my mind ‘tiring’ or ‘energising’ can have the effect of softening resistance, letting in light to either continue with acceptance or figure out how I can choose and create something else.

Take a look this week, on and off the mat, as I move and engage with this precious life.
What energises me?